Wednesday 30 November 2016

Tinkertime Success

Some of the great stickers designed by our students using Adobe Illustrator and the MACC laser cutter

Sunday 27 November 2016

Veggie Garden progress

Well, the plants have grown. Some of the lettuce have been harvested and shared with the School Canteen to go into lunches. Students have eaten lettuce and peas (snow and sugar snap). Lots of little tomatoes are growing.

This clip will give you an idea of how things have progressed:

How has the Garden Grown?

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Design club

Hi Guys you will need this link to access the activity for Design Club,

Copy and Paste the following URL


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Thursday 8 September 2016

Thursday 25 August 2016

Tinker Time Update

Lots of great ideas are being tried.  Here are a few attempts to either harvest or conserve water.   

Thursday 11 August 2016

Let Tinkertime begin

Mr Weeks will be joining us each week to help us launch Tinkertime in 4/5F and 5/6S. We began by completing a challenge. Who could build the tallest and most stable tower with LEGO. All students had the same amount of LEGO and they all worked in teams to create their towers.

Zone Athletics Carnival

We had a number of people from our class go to Zone Athletics and represent the college. You all did an amazing job and tried your hardest. Especially those who had been effected by the nasty bug going around :-(