
Christmas around the World:

Driving Question: Is Christmas the same aroung the world?

Choose a variety of countries and find out about their Christmas traditions. Compare them with those in Australia. Interview at least 5 other students in the class. Record and compare your different traditions.

Gifts and gift giving
Celebration meals
Other customs/traditions.

Term 4

Rainforest destruction Resource

Rainforests (Scootle)

Our classes are investigating the Geography and Culture of Bali. This page is a place where information can be shared between our College and students in Bali.

Students in our 2 classes 4/5F & 5/6S

Selamat Pagi children at PPA

These are our delightful students at Mount Annan Christian College.

We are learning about Bali and would love to share with you.

Our students are using this site to help learn some Bahasa Indonesia

Students In Mr Sales' class

Ben   Ariana   Mohit  Nathaniel
Josh  Grace  Lily  Rhiannon

Liam  Sameet  Rebekah  Annabelle

 Daniel  Janhavi  Amelia  Jachlan

 Mia Hayden  Cedric  Mackenzie

 Noah  Zack  Shayden  Jessiah

Joshua  Aaron  Jye Tara


  1. Hi all,
    I am Damon (koordinator ppa kids)
    We ready to learn with you
    Please send question and we will answer with ppa kids
    Thank you

    1. Salama pugi Grace Lovely,
      Thank you for replying to us it was nice to talk to you. We have now finished studying Bali. We are on holidays now and we are
      going to the movies. To go to the movies it costs about 100000rp. We have liked studying Bali, it was fun to learn about what things
      you do in Bali.
      Sampa jumpa

  2. Selemat Sore Bapak Damon and PPA children
    What are some of the activities you do at school?
    Our main subjects are Mathematics, and English.

    How old are the children in PPA? What are some of their names?
    This message was written by Jessiah, Mohit, Daniel and Annabelle.

    Sampai jumpa

  3. My Name Is Maxcel Richard Briand Lufkey. My Old 13 years old
    My activies learning together, playing football, class clean up
    Thank You

    1. Hello Max
      my name is Shayden.
      We are 12 years old.
      Our activities at school are for sport are soccer and is it there?
      thank you

  4. My Name Is Zulfikar Aulia perkasa putra. MY old 12 years old
    My activities at my school is learning together forever, is playing football
    Thank You

  5. My Name Is I Gede Utama Putra. My Old 14 years old
    My activities at my school is learning together, hindus ceremony, singkong together Indonesian Raya.
    We have scouts class, every afternoon sunday we have football playing.
    Thank you

  6. My Name Is David Febrian Cornelius
    My Old 13 years old
    My activities learning together,playing football,class clean up
    Thank you

  7. My Name Is Novita Sari Simorangkir My Old 14 years old My activities learning together, my ekstra dance, class clean up
    Thanks you

  8. My Name Is Ribkha laurina mangamis
    Iam 14 years old, my activities sing a song indonesia raya
    my extra Dance
    Class clean up
    Thank you

  9. Hi nama saya Ni Wayan Eka Meliani
    Unyr sayac14 tahun
    Aktivitas saya di sekolah adalah upacara bendera setiap hari Senin
    Saya mengikuti ekstra bela diri
    Terima kasih

  10. Hello my name is Ayu Tessalonika
    I am 15 years old, my activities sing a song indonesia raya
    My extra Dance and swiming
    Class clean up

  11. Hello my name is Ayu Tessalonika
    I am 15 years old, my activities sing a song indonesia raya
    My extra Dance and swiming
    Class clean up

    1. Hello Ayu Tessalonika
      We are all 11 years old, and we like swimming, dancing and sports as well.
      You guys are very good at your English.
      We are learning Bahasa Indonesian, your language is very interesting.
      What do you like to eat for breakfast and dinner?
      Do you have a lunch time meal? Is it called makan siang?
      Thank you for replying to us.
      Sampai Jumpa.

    2. For breakfast i like fried chickhen,rice, tempe and water. For dinner i like soup chickhen, rice,egg and tea.
      Yes,i have lunch time in school.
      In school for lunch i like meatball and milksake.
      How about you?
      Thank you.

    3. Hello my name is lily I have 4 dogs there names are scooter aspin borris and murphy
      do ypo have any animals

    4. hy lily,how are you?
      yes,i have 2 dogs there names are Hunter and snowy

  12. Hi David Febrian Cornelius,
    We are all 10 and 11. Our names are Jessiah, Ben, Josh and Liam. We all like to swim except for Ben. Do you like to swim? Our favourite foods are pizza, seafood and sausages. What is your Favourite food? Thank you for responding to us and Sampai Jumpa.

    1. Hi Jessiah,Ben,Josh and Liam.
      yes, i like swim
      my favorite food, Noodle and Pizza
      Thank you and See you

  13. Hello Gede Utama Putra.
    Our names are Mackenzie, Mia and Annabelle. We are all 11 years old. We like learning together as well.
    We have a few questions. What is a Hindus ceremony? What do you do in your scouts class?
    Thank you

    1. Halo Annabella,
      Ceremony Hinduism there are various kinds of worship and prayer
      in scout class : Community Activity, Camp Activity
      Learning Basic Leadership Training, and Competition
      Terima kasih

  14. Hello Eka,
    This is Hayden, Noah, Cedric and Daniel. We are all se belas tahun. At our school our activities are Handball, Football and class clean up.
    What kind of Martial Arts do you do?
    What are your festivals like?
    Here, we usually have fireworks for our festivals.
    Our school day goes from 8:30am-3pm, how long does your school day go for?
    What's your favourite food?

    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Hayden, noah, celtic, and daniel.
      Saya mempelajari pencak silat ( pencak silat adalah seni bela diri tradisional dari indonesia
      Saya suka festival ogoh-ogoh(ogoh-ogoh adalah karya seni patung yang biasa dipamerkan sebelum hari raya Nyepi)
      Saya bersekolah mulai pukul 07:00 pagi sampai dengan 12:30 siang
      Makanan favorit saya adalah nasi goreng, dan babi guling
      Sampai jumpa

  15. Selemat siang, Zulfikar Aulia perkasa putra. Joshua, Nathanael and Lachlan are all 10 years old. But Sameet is 11 years old. We also like playing football. Do you like learning about our language? What is your favourite food?
    This message was written by Sameet, Lachlan, Nate and Josh S.
    Sampai jumpa.

    1. Halo
      Joshua, Nathanael, Lachlan,and Sameet.
      yes i lke learning english, bahasa indonesia
      my favourite food is ayam gorng, noodle, and tempe (beans)
      What is your favourite food?
      terima kasih

  16. Hello my name is Devid Harapan Nazara
    I am 14 years old, my activities sing a song indonesia raya
    My extra class self defense. Good bye and God bless You

    1. Hello Devid Harapan Nazara my name is Mackenzie and my friend is Annabelle we wanted to ask you what do you do in self defence. And what are some of your friends names? We do extra classes as well I do cheerleading and drama. Annabelle does drama and piano God bless you thank you

    2. We learn to socialize and keep away from negative things.
      Besides that I also follow extra pencak silat and if we go to a place we always go together so we can help each other.
      I have a friend in the PPA daughter , Ribkha , Danny , Geril , Novita , Maxcell And many More.
      God bless

  17. Hi Jessiah,Ben,Josh and Liam.
    yes, i like swim
    my favorite food, Noodle and Pizza
    Thank you and See you

  18. HeLLo my name is I KADEK DWI SARTIKA .
    my old 12 years old.
    my activies learning together playing football, class clean up
    thank you

  19. Hi, my name is DANIEL CHRISTIYANTO
    my old 15 years old
    my activities learning together playing football, class clean up
    thank you

  20. Hey Eka
    This is stil Hayden, Noah, Cedric and Daniel, we will always be writing back to you.
    How long have you been studying Silat?
    How do you preform Silat?
    Do you like Nyepi?
    At school do you have reses and makan siang?
    We have reses and makan siang at our school. Our favourite foods are. Special fried rice(Daniel), meatball sub(Cedric), Chicken Schnitzel(Hayden) and Lamb(Noah).
    What part of ogoh-ogoh do you like best?
    What do you do after school?

    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Hayden, Noah, cedric, dan daniel.
      saya sudah 2 tahun belajar silat.
      pertama saya pemanasan lalu saya lari setelah lari saya melakukan gerakan dasar silat setelah selesai itu saya istirahat dan pulang.
      iya saya suka nyepi
      di sekolah saya ada istirahat satu kali hanya untuk makan siang
      saya sangat suka ngarak ogoh-ogoh
      setelah pulang sekolah saya makan siang dan tidur setelah bangun tidur saya pergi ke PPA

  21. hi.... my name is Daniel Christian Mangamis
    i'm 11 years old
    my activity at school learning about mathematic, bahasa indonesia,
    english class, balinese language, excercise.
    my ekstra activity is football, running class, lompat jauh and scout class.
    Terima kasih, nice to meet you

  22. Hi! My name is Putri Maryesta Dami
    Iam 14 years old
    My activity at school and PPA learning about balinesse traditional dance and my hobbies are dancing and drawing
    My dream in the future to be good designeer
    Thank you and God bless you

    Umurku 11 tahun
    Aktivitasku di sekolah seperti belajar bersama,
    belajar bahasa inggris,
    bahasa bali, olahraga, pramuka, dan wushu.
    Hobiku berenang dan menggambar
    Cita citaku menjadi seorang designeer
    Sekarang aku kelas 5
    Terima kasih

  24. Namaku Anastasya Putri Widyawati
    Umurku 11 tahun
    Sekarang saya kelas 4
    Hobiku membaca buku cerita, belajar, dan berenang
    Cita citaku menjadi seorang pendeta
    Kegiatanku di sekola seperti belajar bersama, belajar agama,
    belajar budi pekerti, belajar matematika, IPA dan IPS.
    Kegiatan ekstraku adalah Wushu, menari bali.
    Saya sangat suka bersekolah
    Terima kasih

  25. Namaku Henock Putra Septian Wicaksana
    Umurku 9 tahun
    Sekarang saya kelas 2
    Main sepak bola dan berenang adalah hobiku
    Menjadi pilot adalah cita citaku
    Kegiatanku di sekolah adalah belajar agama, bahasa bali
    belajar bahasa inggris, belajar matematika, oleh raga.
    Kegiatan ekstraku adalah catur
    Terima kasih

  26. Hi all, my name is Axell Junior Neno
    my friend call me Marsel
    my old 8 years old
    my hobby Futsal, riding bicycle, and swimming.
    my future goals a astronot
    my activity at school learning together, football, and wushu class
    terima kasih

  27. hi my name is Raywilson Duta Barus
    my cool name Ray
    my old 7 years old
    my hobby futsal, swimming, football, basket ball
    my activity at school learning together, science class, chritian class
    lear with native english too,
    astronot and pilot is my future goals
    terima kasih

    1. Selamat Sore Ray,
      Our names are Jessiah, Daniel and Leon.
      Our ages are 11 and 10.
      Our favourite foods are pizza (Jessiah), bacon(Daniel) and lamb(Leon).
      What is your favourite food and fruit?
      Our cool names are minion man(Jessiah), dan the man(Daniel) and Leo(Leon).
      What is your favourite joke.
      Sampai Jumpa.

    2. Halo.. Minion Man, Man, dan Leo
      apa kabar??
      i like : dragon fruits, salak, papaya
      makanan kesukaanku : ayam goreng, and pizza too
      my favourite joke : meong-meong games (games tradisional bali) like cat and mouse
      i like play this game with my little sister
      i like watching video "Paper Plane"
      Minion man, kamu sekolah sampai jam berapa?
      Man, pelajaran apa yang paling kamu suka?
      Leo, apakah kamu suka bermain bola?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hello Anastasya,
    Our names are Zara, Amelia and Annabelle.
    We are 10 and 11 years old.
    We like reading as well. We all do swimming but outside of school.
    We learn about religion in church. We have some questions.
    What is Wushu? Who are your friends in class? When we grow up
    Zara wants to be a vet, Amelia wants to be a teacher and Annabelle wants to be
    an actor.
    Thank you.

  30. Hello, Marsel
    Our Names are Cohen, Noah and Sameet. Cohen is 10 and Sameet and Noah.
    We like playing Futsal and Swimming. Our goals in the future are to be an engineer(Noah), Aeroplane designer(Sameet), car designer(Cohen).
    What is Wushu class?
    Why do you want to be a Astronaut?
    What sekolah do you go to?
    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Cohen, Noah, and Sameet.
      Wushu is chinese martial arts.
      i like astronaut because i like things solar system and month
      my school call SD Negeri 1 Panjer (Publik school next my house)
      thank you

  31. Hi MERLIN ZHIANESTIKA NENO my name is Emily
    I am 9 years old. I like to draw as well
    what is wushu? and what is your favourite subject at school? mine is art
    My hobbies are Netball,swimming,piano and gymnastics
    thank you.

  32. Hi Daniel Christiyanto,
    We are 9 and 11 years old. Our names are Zack, Ben and Daniel. Our favourite sports are are football, handball and tennis. What is your favourite food? We like burgers and mangoes. How many people are in your family? We have 5,6 and 8 people in our families
    Terima Kasih and Sampai Jumpa

  33. Hi Henock,
    My name is Cole
    Umur say sembilan tahun.
    I'm in year 4
    My hobbies are NRL(rugby league),basketball,playing games on the PS4.
    I want to be a pro NRL(rugby league) player when I'm older.
    The activitives I do at school are mathematics and Bahasa Indonesia, and sport and reading. My extra activities are jumping on the trampoline.
    What is your favourite food?
    What is your favourite festival?
    Are you an only child?
    Do the like Nike or asics😃

    1. Hi Cole....
      my favourite food is pelecing kangkung (vegetables), ayam goreng,
      nasi goreng, dan ikan bakar
      my favourite festival is festival layang layang (Kite Festival)
      i have 2 brother, and 3 sister.
      i like Nike
      Terima kasih

  34. hello my name is putu kyra tanako pingak
    iam 11 years old
    iam fifth grade
    my activity at school is study english,tema ,and religion class and my extra activity is wushu'' wushu'' is a martial arts.
    my hobby is a singing and swiming,and my favorite food is a fried rice and fried shrimp.
    I have aimals my animal is a dogs there are is hunter and snowy. good bye



  37. Hallo my name is Grace Lovely Lufkey
    Iam 11 Years old
    my activities learning together playing doll clean class
    thank you

  38. Hallo my name is Stefanie Angie Rianistin
    Iam 11 years old
    my activities learning together, about matematika,ipa, bahasa inggris, and playing ball bekel.
    thank you

  39. Hallo my name is Stefanie Angie Rianistin
    Iam 11 years old
    my activities learning together, about matematika,ipa, bahasa inggris, and playing ball bekel.
    thank you

  40. Hallo my name is agnestia arum agata
    Iam 5 grade,Iam 10 years old.
    my hobby playing badminton.My activities at school is a lerning together,abaout math,sains,bahasa inggris,and singing.

  41. my name is Rachel Angelica Violanda
    i m 10 years old
    i m grade 5
    my activity at school learning, playing bekel ball, basket ball
    i like science subject and sosial subject
    terima kasih

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. My name is Marselino Cipto Viirgales
    I am 12 Years Old
    I am 6 Grade
    My Activities At School Learning, Playing foot ball
    Baket ball, swimming, badminton.
    I Like Math subjeck
    Thank You

  44. my name is kadek heni tiana
    I am 13 Yeas old
    I am 6 Grade
    My Activities At School Learning,Badminton,swimming
    I Like bahasa bali subjeck
    Thank You

  45. My name is Ni Kadek Dwi Damayanti
    I am 12 Years Old
    I am 6 Grade
    My Activities At School Learning,Playiong foot ball,swimming.
    I Like Bahasa Bali and Bahasa Inggris subjeck
    Thank You

  46. My name is Solehudin
    I am 11 years old
    I am grade 5
    My activity at school, learning together
    play takraw ball, football
    Terima kasih

  47. MY name is AMANDA Patricya Alisya Nontas
    I am 11 years old
    I am grade 5
    My activity At School Learning,swimming
    I like BAHASA INDONESIA and Bahasa inggris subjeck
    Thank You

  48. my name is alfredo francisco martinus mau saudale
    i am 12 years old
    i am grade 6
    my activity at school learning,playing takrawball and football
    i like bahasa indonesia and bahasa inggris subjeck
    thank you

  49. My Name is Jeslin Elgracia
    I am 7 years old
    I am grade 2
    My activity at school learning,playing dol and Bali dance
    i like Bahasa Indonesia And english subject
    Thank you

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Hello Amanda Patricya Alisaya Nontas.
    Our names are Annabelle and Liam, Liam is 10 years old and I am 11 years old.
    Liam's favourite subject is maths, my favourite subject is drama and art.
    Liam's favourite food is sausage, and my favourite food is tacos.
    We both love swimming too.
    What is Bahasa Inglis? What is takrawball.
    Thank you.

  52. Hello Arif Maulana Aziztaba
    Our names are Ariana and Ben.
    We are both 11 years old.
    Our hobbies are playing soccer (football) and tennis.
    What is your favourite food?
    We especially like chocolate.
    How many people are in your family.
    In our families we have 5 and 6.
    Terimah Kasi and Sampai Jumpa.

  53. Salemat sore solehudin
    Our names are Jye and Jessiah.
    Our favourite food is pizza. What is your favourite food?
    We are 11 and 12 years old.
    Our activities are Bascketball, Swimming and Video games.
    Our pets are dogs and fish. Do you have any pets?
    Salemat sore.

    1. selamat malam Jye and Jessiah
      apa kabar?
      i like to play video games at my church
      my favourite food is Fried Rice, Udang and rendang
      i don't have pet
      Selamat malam

  54. Hello Agnestia Arum Agata, our names are Rebekah and Sameet. Our favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Sport.We are both 11 years of age. Sameets favourite food is waffles and I like pasta. What's your favourite food? Badminton is an interesting sport but we like soccer. We don't really play Badmigton at school. Thank you God bless
    Sumpai jumpa

    1. Hi Rebekah,
      apa kabar?
      my favourite food is ayam goreng, udang goreng, and rendang
      What's your favourite subject?
      Thank you

  55. Dear Stefanie Angie Rianistin, Our names are Daniel and Janhavi.
    Our favourite subject in school is Sport and Maths what is yours? Our traditional food in Australia is barbecue, in Bali what is your traditional food?
    We are both 11 turning 12 this year , are you turning twelve?
    Talk to you later,
    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Daniel and Jan,
      my favourite subject in school is bahasa indonesia, social and math.
      bali traditional food is :Babi Guling (Pork), ayam betutu (chicken) and more traditional cake
      yes i'm turning twelve.
      What's your favourite festival?
      terima kasih

  56. Hello Kodek Heni TIana,our names are Mackenzie and Cedric. We are both 11 years old and we are in year 6. We enjoy doing Sport,Art, and Science we have some question for you. What is your favorite sport? And what do you enjoy doing in class? Thank you

    1. selamat malam Mackenzie and Cedric
      how are you?
      Yes my favourite sport is a swimming, and badminton
      we enjoy doing in class for learning balinese language, and Scout class
      How about you?

  57. Selemat Pagi Stefanie.

    My name is Nathanael and my friend is Mohit. I am 10 years old and Mohit is 11 years old. We both like Mathematics, Art and Sports. Mohit likes science as well. I also like History.

    What is your favorite animals?
    From Nathanael and Mohit

    1. Selamat sore
      Nathanael and Mohit
      my favorite animals is dog, i have a dog and the name is doggi
      What is your favorite animals?
      terima kasih

  58. Hi Marselino Clipto Viirgales. Nama kami adalah Joshua dan Aaron. Our favourite Subjects are Sport and English. Joshua umur saya sebalas and Aaron umur saya dua belas. Our favourite sport is soccer. What's yours? Do you like learning about our language?

    Sumpai jumpa.

    1. hi Joshua and Aaron,
      how are you?
      Yes my favourite sport is a soccer too.
      i'm like learning about English, bahasa indonesia and balinese langiage.
      What is your favourite festival?
      Terima kasih

  59. Selamat Pagi, Alfredo Francisco
    Our Names are Noah and Shayden.
    We are 11 turning twelve, we like to eat pizza.
    What food do you like to eat?
    What is your favourite sport?
    What time is your School?
    What is Takrawball?
    What is your favourite warna?
    Teriyaki Kasih

    1. hallo Noah and Shayden.
      how are you?
      i like to eat Fried Rice, Fried Noodle, and Fried Egg
      my favourite sport is swimming, badminton, and soccer.
      time for School start 06.30 am until 12.30 pm
      Sepaktakraw differs from the similar sport of volleyball in its use of a rattan ball.
      my favourite warna is black and red
      What is your favourite sport?
      thank you

  60. Hello Ni Kedak Dwi Damayanti,
    We are Hayden and Mia.
    Mia is 11 and I'm 12.
    We are in 6th grade.
    Our activities at school are Sport,PE,Mathematics,Geography and Science.
    Mia likes Animal Jam and I Like Sport.
    What's your favourite food?
    What's your favourite festival?
    For our festivals we usually have fireworks.
    What's your favourite subject?

    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Hayden
      How are you?
      my favourite food is Chicken Noodle, Spageti, Burger, Fried Rice
      my favourite festival is Ogoh-ogoh festival
      my favourite subject is English, and Balines Language
      Terima kasi

  61. Hi Jeslin,
    I am Amelia and I am 11 years old and I am in year 6,
    And my favorite activities are sport, maths, science, geography and English too.
    What's your favorite sport? Why?
    From Amelia

    1. Halo Amelia,
      apa kabar?
      my favourite sport is badminton.
      i'm very like because so fun and enjoyfull.
      every week i have badminton class.
      What's your favorite sport?
      Terima kasih

  62. hello everyone my name is Mackenzie in the weekend it was raining lots. At home I looked out my window and saw my dog Charlie sitting in her cage watching all the rain go down the drain. It was so heavy there where big puddles of water every where. Have you ever had a rainy day like this???

    1. hi Mackenzie
      i'm Stefanie and Kadek
      we sometime like a rain because if rain we get cold.
      thank you

  63. hallo mackey.
    apa kabar?
    my name Ray, i'm 7 years old
    in Bali is also a regular with the rainy season
    I like the rain
    usually we played water and love to run in the rain
    and now in bali so hot season and that time to play in the beach
    so fun

  64. Hai Terima kasih.
    Yang baik . Bagaimana dengan kamu?
    Our favourite festival is our happy new year.
    Apa milikmu?
    Apakah Anda suka nasi goreng ?
    We really like fried rice.

    Dari Joshua dan Aaron.

    1. halo joshua and aaron
      i'm Solehudin
      kabar saya dan teman teman baik di Bali
      yes i like fried rice.
      salam kenal

  65. Hello Jeslin,
    my favorite sport is netball and I
    like it because
    I am good at it and its enjoyable.
    I ALSO like to play with my dogs, do you have any pets?
    sampi jumpa

    1. Hi Amelia
      i'm so good
      what is netball?
      yes, i have 2 dog, they name is Oski and Huno
      i like play with my dogs
      Terima kasih

  66. Hi Kedak,
    I am good thank you, how are you?
    What happens in Ogoh-Ogoh?
    My favourite subject is Math.
    What's your favourite sport?
    What type of Burgers do you like?
    What is your favourite animal?
    From Hayden and Cedric

    Sampai Jumpa

    1. Hi Cedricstar
      i'm very good with my friends in bali
      Ogoh-ogoh are statues built for the Ngrupuk parade,
      which takes place on the eve of Nyepi day in Bali.
      my favourite sport is badminton, swimming
      my favourite animal is dog, i have 2 dog, they name is Mona and Bobo
      Terima kasih

  67. Hi, Solehudin
    Here in Sydney it has been raining for the past few days and it has flooded a lot of places.
    I (Jessiah) have just came back from my holiday house.
    What are your favourite video games. Ours are mincraft and mario brows and dying light.
    What day do you go to church? I (Jessiah) go to church on Saturday.
    See you later.

    1. Hi,
      my favourite video games is soccer games.
      i was to pray and help an play wit my friends.
      Terima kasih Jessiah

  68. Selamat Pagi, Alfredo Francisco
    We are very good here in Australia. Are you okay there in Bali?
    We also like fried rice. Sepaktakraw sounds very fun. Our school time is from 8:30am to 2:55pm.
    Our favourite colours are red and green.
    Do you like musim hujan atau musim kemarau?
    From Noah and Shayden
    Terima Kasih

    1. Halo Shayden
      i'm so verry good at Bali with my freinds
      yes... sometimes i like hujan (rain) and i more like hot day
      because i like play kite.
      Do you like play kite?
      Terima kasih

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Hi solehudin thank you for talking with us we are now finished our study on Bali our school holidays are coming up I'm not quiet sure what I'm going to do but once I get back would u like to keep talking?

  71. Hello Eka,
    Thank you for talking with us, we all really enjoyed it.
    We have finished our Bali Projects and also really enjoyed it.
    We are about to have our school break and in the school holidays we usually go to the movies and at the movies it usually costs 100000rp.
    Hayden, Noah, Cedric,and Daniel

  72. halo dan selamat pagi . hewan favorit kami adalah unicorn ( Mohit ) dan anjing ( Natanael ) . Sayangnya , kita menyelesaikan penelitian Bali kami . bahasa Anda sangat menakjubkan ! Terima kasih untuk memberitahu kami tentang Bali sendiri . Aku akan ke Sydney untuk liburan . Apakah Anda ingin terus membalas kita ?
    Natanael dan mohit mengucapkan selamat tinggal

  73. Halo David Febrian Cornelius, Our names are Joshua and grace. It has been a pleasure to communicate with you. We thank you for teaching us some bahasa Indonesian. It has been interesting time learning about what you and your friends do in Bali. We had a lots of fun researching about Bali sadly our Bali study is coming to a end it was great fun learning about Bali. Today is the last day of the term then we have a short 2 week holiday in the holidays me and grace both have our birthdays I am turning 11 and grace is turning 12. Thank you everyone we hope to keep on communicating with you.
    sampai jumpa

  74. Hai, Marselino Clipto Virigales.
    Thank you for communicating with us on our Blog. Saya dan Aaron memiliki dilakukan penelitan kami di Bali, kami merikmatinya. Aaron is having his friend come over to his house in the school holidays. I'm probably having my freind come over as well.

    Thank you, sumpai jumpa.

  75. Hello everyone, our names are Annabelle, Mackenzie and Daniel. We are 11 years old but Mackenzie just turned 12. Thank you for writing to us. We have now finished our Bali research, and we enjoyed learning about your culture and lifestyle. We are soon on our liburan. We are all going to the movies to see The BFG (Big Friendly Giant)and Finding Dory. Do you still want to continure with the program? Selamat tinggal untuk saat ini.

  76. Dear Ayu Tessalonika
    Our names are Zack and Tara we are 11 and 12 years old.
    We like sport.
    We thank you for writing to us.
    We finished our research on Bali, we had fun.
    In the holidays were going to be with our friends.
    What are you going to be doing in the holidays?
    Terimah Kasi

  77. Hello Solehudin
    Thank you for replying to us and we are very thankful that we got the opportunity to speak to you guys. We enjoyed it very much. We have now completed our topic on researching Bali. It was very interesting. We are now in our mid-year holidays. We will be having sleepovers and getting active. When is your holidays? Thank you once again for letting us talk to you.
    Terimah Kasi and Sampai Jumpa from Ben and Ariana.

  78. Welcome Everyone
    Nice to know you all
