Monday 28 March 2016

Too Cool for Easter Hats?

Too cool not to get in and show leadership to the younger kids.

Great job to all who participated.
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Tuesday 22 March 2016

Easter Role-Play

In Christian Discovery this week, groups of students were allocated one part of the Easter story to plan practise and present in a role play. 
The students were able to get a better understanding of the real meaning of Easter and God's play for us. 


The Last Supper
The Trial
The Crucifixion 
The Burial and Resurrection 
Appearing to His followers

We also talked about Jesus ascending to heaven. 

Sunday 20 March 2016

Special Primary Easter Service

  Having a great time singing and being reminded that Jesus died to save us from our sins and rose again to prove God's gift of eternal life.

Thursday 17 March 2016

How we prepare a speech

  • We write our draft 

  • We get feedback from others 

  • We video our speech

  • We assess our progress to edit and improve

  • We evaluate our video and work on improvements

  • We record our finished speech

  • We assess our final product against our learning intentions and success criteria

This week's Persuasive Writers

Monday 14 March 2016

Canberra - Here we come!

Image result for canberra
Stage 3 students are getting very excited about our trip to Canberra at the end of the month. Today they took home a note about things to take and showing the very busy itinerary.

A copy of the note can be found here;  

Image result for canberra

Friday 11 March 2016

Camden Show

No assembly awards this week as we were off to the show early. 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Better writing than before

We have been working on improving our writing. 
Today we were sharing our writing with others ang helping each other through suggestions examples and sharing critiques. 
In the process we are cooperating, collaborating and learning help each other.