Monday 30 May 2016

Athletics Carnival

We are very excited about our Athletics carnival tomorrow. Students will be separated into age groups to move through all the events. It should be a great day!

Here is a copy of the Note that was sent home to parents that includes a run sheet for all the events.

Award Winners

Congratulations Mackenzie, Aaron and Joshua for wonderful work this week!

Sunday 22 May 2016

Tinkertime Success

What a great activity!

Many positive comments and interesting variety of circuits and designs. Most families had success and a lot of fun. Occasionally, someone in a family 'took over' but most worked it through together. 

Here are a few of the successful designs: 

Award winners this week

Congratulations Noah, Annabelle and Nathanael for wonderful work during the week.
Mrs Fuller

Monday 16 May 2016


Just a reminder that REACH MEET is on next week. Please register to ensure the sessions you are interested in. 

REACH MEET Sign-up (click to go to this link)

Leaflet link

(the following section was posted last week)


Parents have been invited to join our FreshGrade portfolio  initiative.


Sessions will be held at ReachMeet in week 5 to help parents find out more about how this can help their children become better learners, increase engagement and raise achievementThis event will be held on Tuesday 24th May here at the College from 6pm - 8.30pm.

Tuesday 10 May 2016


Parents have been invited to join our FreshGrade portfolio  initiative.

Sessions will be held at ReachMeet in week 5 to help parents find out more about how this can help their children become better learners, increase engagement and raise achievementThis event will be held on Tuesday 24th May here at the College from 6pm - 8.30pm.


Monday 9 May 2016

We are talking with children in Bali

As part of our studies on Bali, we are posting comments and questions on our blog and children at a Compassion Project (PPA) in Denpasar are writing back.

Hopefully we will get a first hand picture of modern life in Bali as well as learn a little Bahasa Indonesia.

Here are some of the children in the project:

Here are some of the responses so far:

My Name Is I Gede Utama Putra. My Old 14 years old 
My activities at my school is learning together, hindus ceremony, singkong together Indonesian Raya. 
We have scouts class, every afternoon sunday we have football playing. 
Thank you

My Name Is David Febrian Cornelius
My Old 13 years old
My activities learning together,playing football,class clean up
Thank you

Hello my name is Ayu Tessalonika 
I am 15 years old, my activities sing a song indonesia raya
My extra Dance and swiming 
Class clean up